Category Archives: Growing the game

Tips for hosting a lacrosse team from out of state

Our old friends from Issaquah, Washington came to play our new team (Westlake) in Texas.   Issaquah came out ahead, winning 7-4 and they were true gentlemen, displaying the highest level of sportsmanship.  Knowing Coach Brandon Fortier’s reputation, we expected nothing less.

Issaquah went on to the Washington D1 state tournament and eventually lost to Bellevue.

Westlake hosted a potluck dinner for Issaquah after the game and all of the guys got to eat together. We thought this was a brilliant way to end the evening!

Tips for hosting a team from out of state:

  • Consider helping them out with a meal. It’s hard to coordinate meals for that many hungry boys on the road
  • Give great directions to the coaches and parents traveling with the team, especially if you know your stadium or field is hard to find
  • Do whatever you can to make the kids comfortable while they’re on the road



How to start a youth lacrosse club (Part 1)

Starting a lacrosse program is a daunting task. We did it, but we didn’t do it alone! From an infrastructure standpoint, the best advice I can give you is to always look bigger than you actually are.

Several years into the development of our organization, a parent from another club mentioned to one of our board members that because our outward appearance (logo, website, branding, and overall attitude) was always so professional, everyone thought we were much further along and way more put together than we were.

I then understood in hindsight how important those little decisions were to growing our club quickly and being healthy. If you’re just getting started, it might seem like those are the things you could skimp on. But looking and acting organized and professional is part of what inspires kids and parents to try something new and not be afraid that it’s going to be a disaster.

Recipe for starting a lacrosse club:


Don’t go out there saying, “if we get enough kids we’ll have a club.”

Instead say, “We ARE starting a club. We HAVE enough kids.” Never waver on this point. If you say “if,” you have already failed.

Never listen to the naysayers who think it’s too soon, there’s not enough money, there’s not enough kids, there’s not enough time. You already have enough of everything you need to play this game and when you put your plans into the world, the lacrosse community will meet you there and help you.


When kids have fun, it’s infectious and it spreads. If you can have fun on a field where people can drive by and see you having fun, even better. The word will spread quickly. (And when they go to Google to look for you, they better find something useful!)


Act and look like a professional organization from day one. Get a great logo (read “Guidelines for designing a great lacrosse logo”), start a Facebook page, and build a basic website (try Google Sites or Weebly).


Never exclude anyone. Be clear that it is open to all ages and all levels. Obstacles like getting gear, finding coaches, and renting fields are all problems that can be solved.

Photo credit: Carteret Youth Lacrosse

Coming soon!
Part 2: How to start a lacrosse club – Building Buzz
