
Using Facebook to bond your lacrosse community

Amateur sports team on Facebook
The “Create” page on Facebook looks like this

Facebook is one of the best community-building tools out there, when used to build relationships and for sharing information across your organization.

First, if you haven’t already, your club should create a Facebook page and set it up correctly for a club or non-profit organization.

Most clubs should be categorized as Amateur Sports Team, which can be found under the main category Entertainment.

Should we have 1 page for the whole club, or 1 page for each team?

If you build a page for each team, you’ll be starting over every year. So go with the all-club page. Exceptions might be having separate pages for your girls teams and and boys teams, or youth and high school.

But be sure you consider the community you’re building and remember that if your goal is a cohesive, all-inclusive club for all ages, that your marketing should reflect this.

Healthy things grow

We take the temperature of everything we do by asking ourselves the question, “is it growing?” and if it’s not, “Should we be doing this at all?”

I like to think about Facebook this way… if you post something and nobody likes it, shares it, or comments on it, you should probably reflect on whether it should have been posted in the first place.  The rule of thumb with lacrosse and Facebook is pretty easy though. If it’s always about the KIDS, you’re going to be just fine.

Technical stuff

Facebook makes it so easy to post from your phone to the club page now. Don’t be afraid to try it! (I think a lot of the time, nobody wants to fail so they just don’t try… )

  1. Recruit some Facebook ambassadors from your parents and ask at least one person from each team with a smartphone to be an Admin of the club’s page. To identify these people, think about who you already know is a great Facebooker! They will naturally know what to do.
  2. Make sure each of your social media ambassadors knows what kinds of content is appropriate to post and how often — you don’t want anyone to post for no reason. As long as your content is related to things that are actually happening in the club, and focused 100% on the kids, you’re in good shape.
  3. Install the Facebook Pages app on your smartphones

What kinds of content are appropriate for posting on a youth sports Facebook page?

  • Upcoming events
  • News and announcements about your players’ accomplishments
  • Spirit wear promotions
  • Game results
  • PHOTOS!! Tons of photos!

Tip: Nothing generates more love than photos of big kids and little kids playing lacrosse together!

How to create those funny custom-captioned photos

It’s game day. You want to create some buzz and excitement.

Grab an action shot from your photo gallery and put a powerful quote on it using any number of free meme generators. 5 minutes later, and you’ve got a killer, shareable, buzz-worthy photo to post.

game day not gonna happen
seriously annoying
mine if today were my last day

Examples of great lacrosse club Facebook pages:
